to Power

We are specialized in decentralized hydrogen ecosystems originating from renewable energy and are continuously innovating since 2014.

woonwijk bovenaf
skyline industrieterrein
Our story

Decentralized systems

H2 Ecosystems has unique products that can be designed for any industry. All business operations can be implemented, due to decentralized relatively small-scale hydrogen ecosystems originating from renewable energy.

We have the ambition to become the market leader in these small-scale hydrogen ecosystems:

  • Optimal integration with fluctuating renewable energy
  • Modular decentralized design for scaling
  • Integration with Fuel Cell micro CHP

And we supply:

  • Elektrolysers
  • Hydrogen storages
  • Fuel cells
Hydrogen will be the energy carrier of the future — sustainable and CO2-free

A better environment

Our mission is to contribute to the Climate Agreement by developing a better living environment. We have an eye for efficiency and can achieve our vision and shared goal fast.

H2 Ecosystems has the solution with the following explanation:

  • Making hydrogen production possible close to the decentralized energy source;
  • Using standardized electricity connections and tap water supply (making it applicable almost everywhere);
  • Decentralized balancing and unburdening of the electricity network;
  • Decentralized support for the transition from the natural gas network to a hydrogen network (from a micro-grid);
  • Further system integration through heat utilization in the generation and regeneration process. This creates a high efficiency, which results in lower energy costs (heat and electricity) for the consumer and lower network costs for the network operators.
Join us building decentralized hydrogen ecosystems from renewable energy!
Justin Gu
THB verhoef

THB Verhoef

Realization of decentralized (relatively small-scale) hydrogen ecosystems originating from renewable energy for a business park (Rotterdam area). The area is already fully equipped with solar panels. We are transforming the entire ecosystem to produce, store and recover heat and power.